Friday, December 21, 2007

Midwifery Today Prenatal Yoga Article

In August, Midwifery Today accepted an article I wrote about prenatal yoga. I was incredibly excited about it then, but I didn't tell many people just in case they never actually published it (I didn't even tell my parents until October!). Then, last week the issue finally came in the mail with my article published in it--Incorporating Prenatal Yoga into Childbirth Education Classes. Woo hoo! I was re-delighted anew and now I'm telling all kinds of people and hoping I don't sound insufferably braggy about it. This feels like a lifetime goal (of sorts) realized. If anyone had told me last year that I would have an article published in Midwifery Today I wouldn't have believed them (too "big league" for me!). I'm getting a lot of mileage out of this, since every time I think about it I get a little thrill of excitement and disbelief. The article is placed right next to one by Michel Odent, so I've been joking about how we just overlap SO much, people confuse our work ALL the time (LOL!). They published the photo I submitted with it in the middle of the article, which was a nice layout (my mom took the photo of me when I was pregnant with L in 2003. The pose is called Proud (Birth) Warrior). There is a little synopsis of the article on the current issue page of MT's website.

I have so many more ideas for articles and essays ALL of the time. It is a constant flow of them. I wish I had more time to actually *write* them. Sometimes the most I get down is just the prospective title. Oh well. I have all the time I need (right?!). The idea for this prenatal yoga article actually came to me several months before I actually wrote it. It floated around my head for a while germinating and then refining and then one morning I woke up and said, "bring me my notebook!" and the whole thing came out basically fully formed onto the pages while Z and L were still sleeping. This helps me see how "writing in my head" is actually real writing and real work--even though I'm not actually putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, something is being created that can be born when the time is right. I hope the next article that happened like this is also published soon...I'll keep you posted, of course ;-)

1 comment:

Enjoy Birth said...

This helps me see how "writing in my head" is actually real writing and real work--even though I'm not actually putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, something is being created that can be born when the time is right.

That is so cool! On getting published and this idea... I do a lot of writing in my head too. :) Then it comes pouring out through my fingers.