Got the Winter issue of The Compleat Mother on Wednesday afternoon and of course devoured it in one sitting (why don't I make things last? Now I won't have one for another three months!) It was good--I am so much more radical than I used to be. Earlier in my mothering career, I would have some of this issue's articles offputting. Now, I gobbled them down like I was starving. There was an interesting article about attachment grandmothering (her daughter was NOT parenting). Also, a long and interesting lament about circumcision (her sons were both circ'ed and she regrets it, is the short version). She made lots of good points, though it was the kind of article that I would not have "heard" several years ago and would have dismissed as extremist (though both my boys are intact, I just didn't use to see it as a major issue--I'm certainly more of an "intactivist" now than I used to be, but it still isn't my top advocacy priority or anything).
I also read two back issues (1998) of Midwifery Today--it is such an excellent publication and *nothing* seems outdated, even from "old" issues like that.
8 hours ago
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