Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Special Delivery

On Monday, I was delighted to get a little package from ALACE containing four copies of the newest issue of their journal Special Delivery. My birth story about Z's birth was published in this issue, titled Birthing With Intensity. I am so utterly thrilled about this! I am a writer! I've known this since I was a little girl and wrote "The Blue Book" when I was six, but haven't "claimed" it until this very year. I also got the most recent FoMM newsletter, of which I am editor. Of course, I noticed several typos right away and one article has some funky font things going on that were not my fault--I think it must have happened when the file was converted to a pdf. I think overall it is a nice issue though and I'm pleased with it. I hope I receive a lot of contributions for the summer issue as well!

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