I got my second issue of Midwifery Today a few days ago and finished reading it last night. I wanted to try to make it last a while this time, since I'll have to wait 3 more months for another one. It had a great article in it called Foreskins for Keeps (the end of circumcision by January 1, 2007) and another good one about "The Midwife's Grandchild" (becoming a grandmother when you are an expert on birth and babies and the struggles therein...). I got the spring issue of Brain, Child a couple of weeks ago and just gobbled it up in like an hour--what a bummer, because I love it so and now I have to wait for a LONG time to get another one. I've been loaning my old issues to a friend in playgroup and I've discovered the joys of re-reading them, instead of lamenting the lack of a new one for the next three months...
Almost everything I subscribe to or receive as a membership perk is released on a seasonal schedule, which means I have a large bounty of fresh, good stuff in the early part of each of Winter, Spring, Summer, & Autumn, but then I gorge on it and have to wait for everything to come again (wouldn't it make sense to stagger it a little?! ;-) For example, I've also just read New Beginnings (the magazine of LLLI), Attachment Parenting (the journal of API I also downloaded some old issues from their website and read those too!!), Forum (the newsletter of Mothers & More), The Wise Mom (HMN's e-newsletter), Imagine magazine (girls' publication from American Girl), and Mothering magazine (this issue wasn't as engaging as Mothering usually is to me and I don't even have anything to share about the issue). I also got a free sample copy of Pathways (the ICPA member publication) and read it right away too.
8 hours ago
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